Trip to Japan – I’m back.

I know I said I would post while in Japan (I did plan a lot) but things became too busy for me to do so. Instead I decided to collect as much information through experience while in Japan to share to everyone who is interested in taking a trip there. I thought I would post as soon as I returned hope but unfortunately jet lag got the better of me. But here I am.

Over the next few weeks I will be posting some pictures and videos along with anything that happened. Interesting stories about the good and bad while on my trip. I will cover a long distance flight and jet lag along with taking the train everyday and my trip to Mount Fuji. Tips and tricks on surviving as a non Japanese speaker and different things you can do or not do to make sure you aren’t disrespecting everyday practices. I also spent a bit of time at Incheon International Airport so I can talk about my experiences there too (you can see why it is top rated).

Taken at Auckland airport

I thought I could also write a segment about packing for a 10 day trip in Japan, what to wear weather wise and what gadgets came in handy while in Tokyo and travelling to Mount Fuji. Many parts will be in journal format especially my thoughts on things like shrines and shopping (because there was a lot of shopping and I have a lot to share in regards to other shoppers).

Hope you will stay tuned for my upcoming Japan series.

Here is a link to my sisters travel blog for anyone interested in a better analysis of the trip.

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